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Let the magic of christmas begin !!

Posted on: December 10th, 2011

Our two reindeers



What a fabulous morning was had by all staff, parents and especially the children. The magic of christmas started as the families turned the corner and spotted our two reindeers penned up outside the nursery door.





Magic George and Geoffrey



We had alot of special visitors all in one day.  Magic george gave us all a giggle and we can’t wait for his return with his special friend Geoffrey the monkey.  Snow white arrived and had lost her seven dwarfs.  Magic george helped her magic them back to the garden.




Sneezy hiding in the garden





The children had a ball helping snow white find the dwarfs. When the dwarfs got back inside one was missing  -silly old Dopey.







Santa, snow white and the seven dwarfs

Santa, snow white and the seven dwarfshis special pressies for all the boys and girls.




Dopey turned up eventually with Santa and helped santa give out special pressies to all the boys and girls.