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Babies & Tots

Country kids baby room

The baby room


The Baby side of the room caters for 9 babies from 6 weeks – 12 months.  It has a separate sleep room, bottle preparation and secure nappy changing facilities.  The baby’s play area has been creatively designed using pastel colours,  designer fabric  and extensive natural light to provide a stimulating home from home environment.

Each baby’s day is flexible, different and parent led.  We are happy to feed your baby expressed milk or formula supplied by you.  Feeding and sleeping are gently worked into a routine which suits each baby’s individual needs.



Country kids tots room

The tots room



The Tots room is adjoining the baby room.  It was an extension completed and opened in  September 2007 for a further 9 children.   It is for tots from 12 months to 24 months.  It also has its own sleep room and nappy changing area.  This room has low level windows designed so that the children can see animals or tractors working in the fields bordering the nursery. The children move seamlessly from the Baby side to the Tots side when the staff feel that they are ready for the move and starting to get up and about on their feet!

Both the babies and tots have their own secure garden area at the rear of the nursery with suitable outdoor equipment.





Country kids baby garden

Fresh air in the baby & tots garden

The babies and tots benefit from a wide range of daily activities, socialising with other children and familiar adults, listening and joining in with conversations and songs.  There is plenty of space for physical play to kick and stretch, a firm but padded floor on which to learn to sit, crawl and walk safely, and toys specially chosen to encourage movement.

Mobiles, books, outings and interesting new objects are used to provide visual stimulation.  Water, paint and other materials are used for messy play to develop tactile senses. Manipulative skills, such as holding, squeezing, rattling, turning and throwing, are developed and with fresh air combines to make a typical day in the baby  and tots rooms.

We believe that contact with older children is mutually beneficial, so sometimes the babies have important visits from older siblings.  Of course, the focus on each baby’s development in no way prevents the all important cuddles, love and fun!